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IndieCade Wiki
 •  Release Date: October 9, 2018
 •  Genre: Art & Culture
 •  Store Page:
 •  Developer: puncta
 •  Country of Origin: United States
 •  Website:
 •  Twitter:
 •  YouTube:
Developer Bio

puncta is comprised of undergraduates from UC Santa Cruz's BA Art and Design Games and Playable Media program and BS Computer Game Design program. everybody's sad was created as their senior capstone from these programs.

everybody's sad is a title featured at [[ ]].

About everybody's sad

everybody’s sad is a therapeutic and kinetic VR experience in which the player must use intuitive motion and pose-based controls to make sad, alive objects happy. Some of the tasks the objects ask the player to perform will require the player to use their body in a way that is typically considered strange for VR, and many of these tasks will be potentially uncomfortable for the player. Many of the object characters are unhealthily codependent, relying on the player for their every want and need. Through this experience, the player must discover a balance between caring for themselves and caring for others.

We wanted to provide players with an experimental VR experience that pushes the envelope of what VR games can be. By making players use their voices and bodies in new ways, we provide them with a more immersive experience in which they can discover the delicate balance between caring for others and themselves. Through this game, we wanted to emphasize the importance of balancing caring for others and caring for yourself, as well as innovating what games can do in VR.

everybody’s sad is being developed by students in both the Art & Design: Games & Playable Media and Computer Science: Game Design department at UC Santa Cruz, and we plan to release our game in October 2018.​​"


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