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IndieCade Wiki

 •  Developer: Tots Team
 •  Year(s) Shown: 2017
 •  Platform: PC, Mac
 •  Website:
About Tots Team

- John Groot - Programmer & Designer
- Mariah Hale - Programmer
- Murray Campbell - Programmer & Designer
- Michala Braker - Character Artist & Animator
- Thomas Newlands - Technical Artist & Animator
- Jack Campbell - Sound Designer
Developer's Artistic Statement

With That Blooming Feeling we aim to create an experience that invites the player into a digital space which respects and cherishes their presence. Rather than offer an escape we hope to welcome the player into a world for as much time as they can afford. That Blooming Feeling challenges players to relate to a space that reciprocates the player’s care through unfamiliar natural means. Through this invitation, the game offers a place to observe and wonder rather than command and define.

In That Blooming Feeling we try to evoke the feeling of a plant’s leaves brushing past your fingers, the type of care which is uncannily ephemeral and intangible. In a time where the predominant emotions are cynicism and fear, we hope to offer an experience that, even if for a moment, allows the player to understand an earnestness in the way that they experience a world, whether digital or material.

That Blooming Feeling is a title featured at IndieCade 2017.

About That Blooming Feeling

Welcome to That Blooming Feeling, a Gardening Videopicturebook about welcoming a youthful joy into one’s presence in the world. Pass the time with a sweet water drop as you roll about, goof around, and watch your friends grow up.

Playing with That Blooming Feeling is limited only by your attention and curiosity. Let it entrance you for a moment and then go on with your day, hopefully with a smile on your face.


